Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Norwegian Chess Championship 2009, Class 5, Preperations

In 2008, my wife and I lived in New York, USA. Months went by without being able to get employment. During this time, I spent hours in front of the computer playing chess. At that time, I decided to improve my chess capability enough so that I could play in the Norwegian Chess Championship 2009. For me, this tournament has been a way to measure my chess abilities.

My preperation for this championship has been primarily through playing correspondance chess on the website Letsplaychess, with the username yankee64 (2045 rating). I have played 472 games. My website rating including my wins, draws and defeats do not show my opponents strength. But their average rating is 1704. In this case that is not important. For me, only OTB tournaments and national ratings count.

The main goal of my preperations have not been to improve so much in chess. But to reduce the amount of "stupid" mistakes. And In that respect, I do believe I have succeeded.



  1. Such an amazing job you have done with this blog. Good work. And I am even prouder of your Chess accomplishments...and that you are enjoying yourself.


  2. I am happy you liked it. I am actually contemplating making it into a real chess blog and not just my own games. Time will tell. Thanks, Sis
