Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Norwegian Chess Championship 2009, Class 5, Game 6

Picture 1, typical Bergen houses and streets
Picture 2, the chess cafeteria with great and cheap food, also used for...yes, chess
Picture 3, myself and as it seems...very concentrated

GAME 6, my best defensive play
At this point I am playing at the lead tables. Which means I am getting more of an audience looking over my shoulder. Not just the Class 5 players stretching their feet but others. Not that it bothers me. When I play, I am completely concentrated and I barely notice anything of what is happening at the boards around me. This is the game where I felt most attacked. Before I even knew what was happening, my opponent had an attack lined up. The game was a ongoing battle of one attack after the other coming from my opponent and playing a very accurate defense on my part and securing my position whenever I had a chance to. My opponent sacrifized first one pawn and then another. But for almost every defensive move I made, my position became increadably solid. In the end, there where no more attacks coming and he couldn`t get his pawns back. He asked for a draw, but I declined. I finally got an attack going and he resigned a few moves later. (He ended up on 15th place overall).

0000 Nelvin Farstad, Stjernen (Oslo), White, 0
0000 Gaute Michel Ferstad, Trondheim, Black, 1

On the bottom right hand side, switch the colors so that black is in front of you.

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